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Home of the Freedom Dinners. We exist to give freedom by creating beautiful community.

Meal Plan Monday

Meal Plan Monday

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After posting on our instagram feed (@ciderpresslane) about how I like to spend Sunday mornings making a meal plan, I thought...I should be nice and share our meal plans. No need to reinvent the wheel people!

And honestly, I get it, the planning, deciding what to make for dinner, making a shopping list, going shopping, making the food and cleaning it all up is a HUGE task.

Here's why I plan:

  1. Everyone has to eat,

  2. I spend less money when I have a list,

  3. If I have to do the job anyway, I mine as well like what I'm cooking!

So, lets make the eating part delicious and the mid week prep easy.

And to answer your question...Do the kids always like what I make?


But the adults do, and lets be honest, we're the ones that matter ;)

The kids? They'll be fine eating a piece of bread with butter.

If I make a plan, we get to try new foods, I don't get bored with dinner, and come 5:00 I'm not staring in the fridge thinking we should just eat cereal for dinner.

To be fair, I do ask the kids what requests they have. I don't always make them (Parker requests Mac and Cheese EVERY day) but I do work them into the plan when I can. Best part about asking them what they want? As they've gotten older they're actually requesting meals the adults enjoy too, and homemade Mac and Cheese is basically everyone's fav. Last week Bella wanted Minestrone, and it was a hit with everyone. You can check out the full Minestrone Dinner Menu here.

I build our meal plans off of what's in the fridge, freezer and pantry. I've been in a massive cleaning out mood so our meals have been a bit different because I just want to use up everything that's been hiding in the cupboards!

DISCLAIMER!!! I do not make a new dinner every night. I always plan to serve left overs at least a couple of nights a week. And I try to have everything on hand to whip up something easy. This week it's turkey sandwiches. Last week it was tomato soup and toasted cheese.

So, here's the Monday Meal Plan. I hope it helps you fill your table with yummy food and your home with community.

There is something magical about sitting at a table together. So, if you can't get the meal plan done, or you don't make it to the store, just pour the cereal and milk and sit across from each other and make a date of it. The magic isn't in the food, it's in the company.


If you love this meal plan, you will LOVE our new book Dinner Changes Everything. This cookbook is changing lives, 10% of all proceeds are donated to Atlas Free to aide in the fight against human trafficking.

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