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Home of the Freedom Dinners. We exist to give freedom by creating beautiful community.

3 Steps To Finding the Life You Love!

3 Steps To Finding the Life You Love!

3 Steps to Finding the life you love.png

I see you wanting to do something big with your life - I did to and I just couldn't figure out what it was. Until I realized I was making it too difficult. If Jesus could boil down the whole of the Gospels to Love God, Love People...then I'm pretty sure He would boil down the entire meaning of life to Do what you Love and Use that, to Love on People. 

With that perspective in mind, instead of just cooking for ourselves, we decided to create Freedom Dinners. We invite friends for dinner and ask everyone to donate money to save a seat. The first dinner we hosted helped us see how powerful it is when we allow ourselves to simply be us. Since then we've hosted over 500 people at our home and donated over $60,000 to Rescue:Freedom Int!! CRAZY.

It's simple enough : do what you love and use it to help others.

Your life has that same power, you were created specifically to be you. It's freeing and maybe slightly terrifying at the same time. So let's talk about finding you!

1. Take a Step Back

If at a quick glance you don't see what you love, take time to step back for the bigger view. In the midst of every day tasks and to dos it's hard to see the full picture of what your life is filled with. 

Give yourself 20 minutes.

We even made it easy for you, download and print our hello me worksheet and start writing it ALL down! 

Think about work, family, friends and your free time. 

Turn off the phone, the TV, close the magazines and books and give yourself space to hear your own thoughts. 


2. Find Your Favorites

Now you have the big picture, it's time to find your favorites! 

What stands out to you? What are the things on this sheet that you really love doing, the things that bring your life joy and meaning?

These can be SIMPLE things. On my list, I circled cooking, dinner with friends and family, creating beautiful spaces, flowers, gardens, creating a home, traditions. 

Circle yours, make them bold, those are the pieces of your life that describe you. Can't figure out what to circle? Ask a friend - what do you see in my life that I am good at? What do you see in my life that you think is cool, unique, different, all me?

Beware - your mind is going to tell you to circle the things you should do.

ONLY circle those things that bring your life meaning and joy. Enough of life is filled with the shoulds and musts...this is about you and what you love simply because it makes you happy.

3. Create Space

Now that you can see the things that you like doing, it's time to make space for them. On this second sheet you are ONLY going to write down the things you want to say yes to. 

This sheet should not be full, it should be sparse. 

There's no rush on this, don't write it down unless it's something you are willing to give up time for. 

Everything you say yes to requires you to say no to something else. This list will make it possible for you to see what you want to say yes to. 

We're not talking about ditching your duties! We're talking about intentionally carving out space in the midst of life for you to be you.

Now you have what you're creating space for. Break out your calendar - or if you're like me and need to see it all laid out in front of you - print out 6 months, 9 months or the entire year and write all of it down.

  • Block out the days for your time with friends and family.

  • Block out the must do work dates.

  • Block out the things you know you have to do for school, family, life.

Now look at the blank spaces. Claim those blank spaces for you to create, read, write, paint, garden, grow flowers or chickens, hike, run, walk, build.... the blank spaces are where you fill in what YOU are creating space for.

Those blank open spaces will be gobbled up and passed over unless you claim them. Treat them as sacred because those are the spaces that will define and shape your life.

I can't wait to hear what you are creating space for!



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