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Home of the Freedom Dinners. We exist to give freedom by creating beautiful community.

Fashion Boutique Anniversary Event

Fashion Boutique Anniversary Event

When we first launched our community dinners Purpose Boutique jumped on board and for a year donated the wine that we served. How incredible is that! Our partnership with them was our first glimpse at how amazing the business community is around us. So, when Purpose was ready to celebrate their anniversary we were thrilled to design, style and host their private event for their corporate team.

We wanted there to be a hint of fashion in the rustic orchard setting. So we teamed up with Bespoke Strokes and created these killer place cards. The gold hand lettering went perfectly with the fashion charms that were secured to the napkins with gold chain ribbons. The flowers added a pop of color, and the napkins grounded all of it.

It was such a fun night getting to be part of helping the Purpose team celebrate. They are doing amazing things! Check them out, you'll love the stores, the clothing, the staff and most importantly that how you shop can change a life.

It's in all the little details that an event comes to life

When the tables are full of laughter and toasting you know you've partnered with an amazing company. Happy Anniversary Purpose! Cheers to many more years of doing what you love, and changing the world while you're at it!

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The Grad Party Essentials

The Grad Party Essentials

A DIY Photo Booth even YOU can make...I promise

A DIY Photo Booth even YOU can make...I promise