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The BEST Way to Get Your Dahlias to BLOOM More!

The BEST Way to Get Your Dahlias to BLOOM More!

If you planted Dahlias for the first time this year you are in the for the BIGGEST treat. They are one of the best flowers for a cutting garden because the more you cut the blooms, the more they’ll bloom! There are a few tricks to helping them bloom to the fullest. The best way to encourage your Dahlias to Bloom more is actually to Pinch them. Sounds funny, I know, but what it means is that when the plant is 6-12 inches tall you are going to cut the top off of the main stalk.

You can watch the full video above with all of the instructions!

A few other Dahlia growing tips:

  • be sure to stake your plants to give them extra support for all of those big beautiful blooms

  • protect them with sluggo!!

  • feed them :)

Cheers to happy cutting gardens and even happier gardeners!

The Easiest Fresh Strawberry Pie

The Easiest Fresh Strawberry Pie

The Secret Trick to Get Peonies to Bloom Longer!

The Secret Trick to Get Peonies to Bloom Longer!