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Home of the Freedom Dinners. We exist to give freedom by creating beautiful community.

The Warmest Winter Feast Menu
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photography by Saleina Marie Photography

The holidays are upon us and our kitchen is warm and cozy with all of the baking, roasting and food prep! We’ve been creating some savory feasts and want to give you all the details to help you create the same for your family and friends.

Here’s the menu, decor and planning tips from our last Freedom Dinner!

We start the planning for each dinner by looking at what is in season and how to incorporate as much freshness as possible - even in the winter!

Ciderpress Lane



Just like the menu, when I plan for the table setting and decor I’m always thinking about what we’ll be able to forage and use from our own yard and woods. It is amazing the beauty you can find even in the winter in the garden. We cut large branches of Laurel Hedge to create trees along the windows and then filled the table with seeded ivy and Chinese Lanterns tucked around the taper candles.

Candles are SUCH an easy and low cost way to add color to your table. Go bold and find a color that will truly stand out against the winter greenery.

If you are in need of napkins, check out your local fabric store for a sale on linen! No Sew linen napkins are one of my favorites. They look beautiful on the table and only take a few minutes to create. Check the link for the complete how to guide.

Now crank up the cooking tunes, invite your friends into the kitchen with you and have the best time creating memories to last these long winter nights.

~ Kelly

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