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5 Tips To Hosting the PERFECT Valentine’s Day Dinner

5 Tips To Hosting the PERFECT Valentine’s Day Dinner

5 Secrets To Hosting the PERFECT Valentines Dinner.png

Are you looking at the stores overflowing with red hearts and chocolates thinking, I don’t want to brave the crowded restaurants, this year I’m going to create a magical spot right here at home. Even if you don’t want to make the food, you can turn your kitchen table into a spot that is ready to invite your spouse or friends, your family or book group. Who says Valentine’s Day has to be only for couples, let’s fill our tables with people we care about!

Here are my top 5 tips to hosting the Perfect Valentines Dinner Party! (As a bonus, if you want, you could even put a little spin on it and give freedom!)

  • Serve What You Know

If cooking a big meal makes you feel nervous then DON’T!

Seriously, make a pot of soup or whatever you feel really comfortable making. Have friends bring salad, bread, dessert, drinks and call it good. Maybe your favorite part is actually setting a pretty table. Then DO THAT and let everyone else bring the meal, or order it and pick it up. There is no need to force yourself to make French Cuisine if you have no idea how to make it. Make what you know, and if you know that making food isn’t your jam then invite friends who can.

  • Lighting

I’ll always be a fan of candles and globe lights but you pick what you love that fits your space and then add lots of them. There is something about soft cozy lighting that creates an atmosphere that invites your guests to relax and enjoy.

If you’re looking for a specific color of candle, look online! I’ve found all sorts of great colors in bulk by buying online. However you light it, fill your space with warmth, so you can sit back and relax.

  • Invite

I know what you’re thinking, of course you’ll invite people, but I’m talking about a true in person invitation. We are all looking for a place to be welcomed in to, add in dinner and giving freedom and you’ll easily fill your table. PLUS Valentines Day has a way of making people feel lonely, left out and isolated…let’s nip that in the bud and intentionally invite people that we know will be by themselves!

When we get ready to host a dinner I start thinking about the individuals that I want to personally invite. The people that I would love to spend an evening with. Then I reach out to them first, letting them know I have a seat saved just for them. When people hear that you are planning for them, thinking about them and creating an evening with them in mind then you just told them what we all want to hear - that we are seen and valued. In my mind there is no better way to show how much you care.

  • Teamwork

Many hands make for light work! Whether you’re hosting a few friends or many, having help in the kitchen is always better. Gather your community not just at your table but on your team so that every part of hosting is connected to your people and your community coming together. I promise you’ll have way more fun washing dishes with friends!

You are ready friend. Invite your people, fill your table and get your heart ready for how this Valentines day will warm more than just the chocolate hearts.

  • Multiply the LOVE

One of the absolute best ways I’ve found to multiply the impact of our dinners is by asking our guests to give a donation in order to save a seat. When we host our Freedom Dinners we ask each guest to give a donation. Our community, friends and family continue to amaze us with their generosity and it’s brought a depth to the dinners because now we’re gathering as a united group saying we’re going to use our evening together to help someone else.

We’re here to help, comment below if you need more info. Or you can get our complete How To Host Guide. Want even more details for hosting? Check out our book Dinner Changes Everything.

We cannot wait to see what you create around your tables this Valentines Day!

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